Thursday, December 9, 2010

Qatar 2022

I have attended the last five soccer World Cups and my niece has come along for the last two World Cups in Germany and South Africa.  Who knows how things will be in twelve years, but right now I have to wonder whether she would be able to have a nice time in Qatar.  It will be excessively hot for one thing. 

There are certainly a lot of unanswered questions about Qatar.  The World Cup is generally considered a big party with drinking alcohol a major part of the celebrations and sorrows as you follow your team.  I understand there are major restrictions on drinking alcohol in Qatar.  Will those restrictions be eased?

What will fans do when they aren't at a match?  How are women treated?  Do they recognize the state of Israel and if Israel qualifies will they be allowed to play there safely?

I have no doubt that Qatar will be able to build nice stadiums, world class hotels and a highly functional transportation system. 

I just have serious doubts about the entire fan experience.

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